PLEASE NOTE: The Alumni Club office remains closed. The office phone number is 651-377-8893. If at all possible, please send any questions or requests to, rather than call.

Check out what's happening with your Alumni Club

***NEW*** 2024 Rochester IBM Alumni Club Summer Golf event schedule/registration

***NEW*** Rochester IBM Alumni Club Fall Walking/Hiking Events

***NEW*** Rochester IBM Alumni Club Day Summer Picnic Report (with photos)

***NEW*** Rochester IBM Alumni Club Day Tripper Play report

***NEW*** 2023 Rochester IBM Alumni Club Christmas Party (with photos)

***NEW*** IBM Community Engagement Program - Signup and Volunteer

***NEED HELP*** Alumni Club is looking for technical help with Web App development

Have a question, comment or event idea? Click here to send an email to the Alumni club

  If you are a paid Alumni Club member and NOT receiving Alumni Club emails?
Click here to update your member contact information