Contacting the Rochester IBM Alumni Club

If you want to join the club, volunteer, sign up for an activity, or change your address, here is how you can contact us:

Telephone: The Alumni Club office is open on Tuesday and Thursday morning from 10:00AM till Noon Central Time. The office number is 1-651-377-8893

If you have any questions/comments we encourage you to send email to instead of calling via phone.

By the way, volunteers are always needed  to staff the office for two hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays—how

about helping out?

Email: Send us an Email. The Email is monitored on Tuesday and Thursday during office hours and we will get

back to you. Our Email address is Drop us a note.

Letter: The club MAIL address is:

              Rochester IBM Alumni Club                              
              20 1st Avenue NE                                   
              Rochester, MN  55906



              120 1st Street NE     map

              (Note: The club office is NOT at the mail location)

Enjoy the
privileges of membership !

Rochester IBM Alumni Club Registration         Date ____/____/_______
    Click Here for printable application form.

Member Last Name ___________________, First Name _________________,
                                (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr...)
Employee Number ___________________
Spouse  First Name ___________________, (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr...)

Address   ________________________________________
Address 2________________________________________
City         ____________________________ State _______ 
Country / Zip Code_______________

Telephone Number   ____________________

Email id for eNewsletters ___________________@______________________
(Please provide your email id so we can hold our costs down and electronically
distribute the newsletter.

Life Time Membership ($35.00) _______ 
(Life Time Membership is a deal and it includes right-of-surviorship).