Rochester IBM Alumni Club is looking for technical help
The Rochester IBM Alumni Club is starting a migration off standalone Lotus Notes to a web based
application. We are in the early stages of designing/writing the web app and as such looking for
technical help.
If anyone is interested helping we need the following skills:
On the front end we are developing an Angular 8 app with typescript and HTML using Visual Studio Code.
As a web service we are developing a RESTful Web Service using Java, Spring Boot, Spring MVC and JPA
using Spring Tool Suite 4 (STS) which is an eclipse based IDE.
The backend database is MySql version 5.6.46
As a code repository we will setting up GIT.
Of particular interest is the front end stuff, Angular, typescript and HTML.
If you have any of these skills and are interested in helping, please send me a message via Facebook.
Paul Brown