Previous Golf Events

From the pictures below it is apparent that the club has some great golfers who definitely enjoyed themselves
at Stewartville. Besides the golfers, the nice thing about these events is that you get to play
different courses across SE Minnesota

Bernie Kubicek, Jean Wanek and Pam Coleman check the weather before golf in Stewartville. It turned out to be a nice morning


Jerry Blaisdell presents a ball to winner John Carlson.  Dee Tweed looks on.

Con and Rose Anderson celebrate their wedding anniversary with the IBM Retiree golfers.

Russ Hird is awarded a ball by Jerry Blaisdell.  Janet Hird looks on.

After a round, we have a very nice lunch and an opportunity to visit with friends.

Prizes awarded include shirts, hats, gift certificates, and golf balls.

Good looking group.